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Yenni Chau


最為人熟悉的《愛麗絲夢遊仙境》系列插圖色彩斑斕,帶領大家跟隨愛麗絲一起歷險:精緻美妙的茶會、與令人費解的蟲蟲大師對談、跟紙牌人一起為玫瑰花上色— 看著令人置身童話故事中,不必遠尋夢幻國度。

Yenni Chau曾於2016年在香港舉行個人展覽、入選2017年亞洲插畫年鑑並於桃園及吉隆坡參與展覽、2019年於淡水漁人碼頭參與展出。

平日的插圖亦會以孩子和兩隻愛貓為主角,以樸素筆觸分享大小主子們的日常和憨態,分享當媽以及貓奴的煩惱。近年亦有推出相關精品,大受一眾貓奴歡迎。 Yenni Chau 主修動畫媒體藝術,畢業後從事插畫及設計工作。現為Carrousel Studio 其中一員,為多個企業和大型機構提供插畫及設計服務,並於英國及香港等地出版兒童插畫書籍。

Yenni is an illustrator from Hong Kong. She started her drawing life from the day she picked up a pencil. Ever since she could not stop scribbling everyday. She taught herself to draw and paint by observing other artists’ works and lots of practice. She soon realize that she cannot live without art anymore!

Except for what she learnt from her Multi-media Art studies, Yenni is also passionate about Fine Art, graphic design and all sorts of crafty works. She is enthusiastic about learning everything artsy!

Nature is the biggest inspiration for Yenni. She is fascinated by the beauty of the Earth and the Universe, she filled her art with mushroom and cute animals like cats and bears!

Yenni’s illustration series were featured in magazines published in Hong Kong. In 2011, Yenni joint Lon at Carrousel Studio to make illustrations, graphic, packaging, website design and currently developing their own brand of products and projects.